InnFirst Rules Screenshot

Tax Flexibility allows property owners / managers to setup all types of taxes and local surcharges. Federal, state, local and city taxes are all supported. Per day flat taxes are also supported. So it doesn't matter if the tax is a percentage of the total reservation or a flat amount per day per property or room, the system supports it all.

Tax Exemptions

Some services may not require taxing in your area, those can be set up to be tax exempt. Additionally, there are non-profit groups and schools that have special tax exemption numbers that do not require the property owner to collect tax, has enough flexbility that those reservations can be edited, the tax exemption number of the guest logged and the reservation made tax exempt.

Tip: Have your website reviewed by a member of our professional review staff. 99.9% of all the websites we review have significant issues that result in lost bookings. For US $100.00 we'll review your website and give you guidance on how to fix it up quickly and inexpensively. It will be the best $100.00 you ever spent. You might not like what we are going to tell you, but we'll be honest and we'll increase your bookings if you follow our advice.


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